Do you have a child/youth that has attempted suicide or is at-risk of doing so?
The Suicide Prevention, Education and Counselling (SPEAC) program provides short-term counselling support (up to 10 sessions) and tools aimed to reduce the risk of suicide in young people (ages 3-18) screened with moderate-high suicide risk symptoms.
SPEAC also provides consultation to professionals, parents/caregivers, and young people including but not limited to assessing suicide risk, safety and care planning, or referrals to other community services/programs based on presenting needs.
Services offered include:
- Individual suicide related counselling for young people
- Resources and support for families
- Risk assessment
- Consultation
- Workshops

For school clinicians, social workers and healthcare professionals to make a referral

For young persons, parents and caregivers of a young person 18 years of age or younger to request a referral

For school clinicians, social workers and healthcare professionals to connect with a therapist for a consultation
SPEAC Workshops
Workshops are available to schools, community agencies and special interest groups. Participants will learn how to identify warning signs of suicide and ways of providing support to those at-risk. For more information, download SPEAC - School Presentation Information.
Please note: Due to peak service periods, please submit your request early. For any workshop/presentation requests, please email or leave a message at 604.584.5811 ext. 11366.
We understand that every client has unique needs, which is why we offer flexible service delivery options. Based on the specific requirements for services, virtual and phone call service delivery can be considered as viable options.
Eligibility criteria
For children and youth (ages 3-18) living in Surrey, White Rock and Langley screened with moderate-high suicide risk symptoms such as attempting suicide or being at risk of doing so.
Can you access the program directly?
Other information
PLEASE NOTE: We are not accepting practicum student applications at this time.
9815 - 140th Street
Surrey, BC V3T 4M4
Monday to Friday (8:30 am - 4:30 pm)
evening appointments available
Intake Line
604.584.5811 ext 11366
Fax: 604.584.7628