"Generation Why?" is a teen-produced television show on Shaw Channel Four and is produced through Options Community Services Society. The half hour show is comprised of 3-minute edited segments that highlight topics that are of interest and concern to youth. The show has been broadcasting throughout the Lower Mainland since 1995 making it the longest running show on Shaw Channel Four!
Topic examples:
Anxiety, depression, autism, travelling options after high school, study tips, grad fashion, bullying, buying your first car, and relationships.
What are the three main goals of the “Generation Why?” segments?
- To be teen-focused, unbiased and informative plus being relevant, entertaining and engaging to the audience.
- To produce segments that will help youth audiences to make positive life decisions and to aid the adult viewers in understanding the youth culture.
- In addition to providing relevant and important information to the community, teens are also given the worthwhile and exciting opportunity and experience of being involved in television production.
Check out our most recent segment!
Eligibility criteria
For youth (ages 16-24) who are interested in producing television features that will assist their peers to make positive life choices, highlight youth in the community, and guide adults in understanding youth culture and issues. Contact 604.592.6226.
Can you access the program directly?
Other information
Heather Lynch
Program Manager