Family Support Outreach

Are you a struggling parent who is trying to find balance in your home life? Are family issues creating barriers that feel insurmountable? The Family Support Outreach program can help you and your family get on the right path.

We provide in-home guidance to help you improve your parenting skills in areas such as:

  • developmental stages
  • setting limits
  • establishing routines
  • building self-esteem
  • understanding anger

You will also be guided in home management techniques for successful organizing, budgeting, meal planning and the importance of nutrition.

Eligibility criteria

For families with children (ages 13 and under) who are struggling with parenting and want individual, in-home support to get back on track.

Can you access the program directly?


A referral is required. Please call the MCFD 24 hours a day centralized intake number, 1.800.663.9122.

Other referral options

A referral is required. Please call the MCFD 24 hours a day centralized intake number, 1.800.663.9122.

Other information


#101, 13583 - 81 Avenue
Surrey, BC V3W 3V8


Margaret Johal
604-596-4321 ext. 21150 

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