CCRR makes quality childcare more accessible by linking your family to childcare providers in Surrey, Delta and White Rock.
We can connect your family to childcare providers in Surrey, Delta and White Rock and offer the following:
- Free consultations
- Support and child care referral services
- Subsidy support to parents seeking childcare
- Early Years Learning Store
Childcare Providers
We offer childcare providers:
- Professional development
- Outreach support
- Early childhood resource library
- Parent referrals
- Child care information and referral
- Networking
- Early Years Learning Store
CCRR works with the community to strive for quality inclusive child care services that meet the needs of local families like yours, and promotes the healthy development of children.
Eligibility criteria
For parents and childcare providers of children (newborn to 12) living in Surrey, White Rock and Delta who are looking for childcare information, services and support. Contact 604.572.8032.
Can you access the program directly?
Other information
#101, 13583 - 81 Avenue
Surrey, BC V3W 3V8
*Parking is available in the underground parking lot.
Michelle Davies
Program Manager
Child Care Options Resource & Referral
Child Care Options Resource & Referral program is operated by Options Community Services and funding is provided by the Ministry of Children & Family Development.