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Suicide Prevention, Education and Counselling

Eligibility criteria

For children and youth (ages 3-18) living in Surrey, White Rock and Langley screened with moderate-high suicide risk symptoms such as attempting suicide or being at risk of doing so.

Can you access the program directly?
Yes. Please complete the consultation/referral forms above. If you experience any technical issues or do not receive a response back within 1-2 business days, please email or leave a message at 604.584.5811 ext. 11366.
Other referral options

Please complete the consultation/referral forms above. If you experience any technical issues or do not receive a response back within 1-2 business days, please email or leave a message at 604.584.5811 ext. 11366.

For My Family

Suicide Prevention, Education and Counselling

Eligibility criteria

For children and youth (ages 3-18) living in Surrey, White Rock and Langley screened with moderate-high suicide risk symptoms such as attempting suicide or being at risk of doing so.

Can you access the program directly?
Yes. Please complete the consultation/referral forms above. If you experience any technical issues or do not receive a response back within 1-2 business days, please email or leave a message at 604.584.5811 ext. 11366.
Other referral options

Please complete the consultation/referral forms above. If you experience any technical issues or do not receive a response back within 1-2 business days, please email or leave a message at 604.584.5811 ext. 11366.

Family Counselling

Eligibility criteria

For families with children (ages 18 and under) living in Surrey who are looking for free, short-term counselling and support.

Can you access the program directly?
No. A referral is required. To refer, please contact the Ministry of Children and Families Development - Provincial Centralized Screening - 1.800.663.9122

For more information about the program, please call 604.584.5811 at ext. 11301 

Other referral options

A referral is required. To refer, please contact the Ministry of Children and Families Development - Provincial Centralized Screening - 1.800.663.9122

For more information about the program, please call 604.584.5811 at ext. 11301 

Gaining Independence

Therapeutic Volunteer Program

Eligibility criteria

For adults (19+ years old) residing in Surrey, White Rock and Delta who are living with a mental illness and want to improve their pre-employment skills and increase self-confidence, in the pursuit of greater independence.

Can you access the program directly?
No. Referrals are required. Please contact the Surrey, White Rock or Delta Mental Health and Substance Use Centre.
Other referral options

Referrals are required. Please contact the Surrey, White Rock or Delta Mental Health and Substance Use Centre.

Surrey Bridging Program

Eligibility criteria

For adults (19+ years old) residing in Surrey who are living with a mental illness and want to move from a community residential program to independent living.

Can you access the program directly?
No. A referral is required. Please request one from Surrey Mental Health.
Other referral options

A referral is required. Please request one from Surrey Mental Health.

Sandell House

Eligibility criteria

For adults (19+ years old) residing in Surrey, who are living with mental illness and need long-term housing.

Can you access the program directly?
A referral is required. Please request one from Surrey Mental Health.
Other referral options

A referral is required. Please request one from Surrey Mental Health.

Finding Work

Therapeutic Volunteer Program

Eligibility criteria

For adults (19+ years old) residing in Surrey, White Rock and Delta who are living with a mental illness and want to improve their pre-employment skills and increase self-confidence, in the pursuit of greater independence.

Can you access the program directly?
No. Referrals are required. Please contact the Surrey, White Rock or Delta Mental Health and Substance Use Centre.
Other referral options

Referrals are required. Please contact the Surrey, White Rock or Delta Mental Health and Substance Use Centre.

Community Inclusion & Integration

Therapeutic Volunteer Program

Eligibility criteria

For adults (19+ years old) residing in Surrey, White Rock and Delta who are living with a mental illness and want to improve their pre-employment skills and increase self-confidence, in the pursuit of greater independence.

Can you access the program directly?
No. Referrals are required. Please contact the Surrey, White Rock or Delta Mental Health and Substance Use Centre.
Other referral options

Referrals are required. Please contact the Surrey, White Rock or Delta Mental Health and Substance Use Centre.

Surrey Bridging Program

Eligibility criteria

For adults (19+ years old) residing in Surrey who are living with a mental illness and want to move from a community residential program to independent living.

Can you access the program directly?
No. A referral is required. Please request one from Surrey Mental Health.
Other referral options

A referral is required. Please request one from Surrey Mental Health.

Sandell House

Eligibility criteria

For adults (19+ years old) residing in Surrey, who are living with mental illness and need long-term housing.

Can you access the program directly?
A referral is required. Please request one from Surrey Mental Health.
Other referral options

A referral is required. Please request one from Surrey Mental Health.

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